
A Curriculum Designed for Clayton Village Primary School

A curriculum that promotes the school’s aims:

  • Aim High
  • Be Respectful
  • Create Happy Memories

Our curriculum Vision:

At Clayton Village Primary School, we believe all children deserve the opportunity to have a broad range of experiences that are engaging and purposeful. We want the children of Clayton to be inspired and motivated to dream big and Play a part on the world stage. When children leave our school we want them to be able to promote the school aims by:

Aiming High – to be booksmart, knowledge rich and ambitious

Being Respectful – to be open minded and tolerant, be good communicators and have positive relationships

Creating Happy Memories – To be proud of belonging to CVPS and develop a love of learning

Curriculum Intent – How we design our curriculum:

All children, including those with SEND, are taught through an enquiry-based curriculum.  Each year group has an engaging curriculum that allows children to experience big, broad topics that interest and excite learners. Children start the year by researching their class name and exploring the significance of them.

Reception – David Attenborough

Year 1 – Rosa Parks

Year 2 – Emmeline Pankhurst

Year 3 – Zaha Hadid

Year 4 – Greta Thunberg

Year 5 –  Ada Lovelace

Year 6 – Ernest Shackleton

We believe learning is not a linear experience for children therefore our way of teaching reflects this. We have developed a curriculum that blends knowledge and skills together in a spiral of different subjects. The Long and Medium Term Plans have been designed so children will revisit key areas from different subjects throughout the year and therefore will be able to commit knowledge to their long term memory and will get the opportunity to revisit skills.  A progression of expected knowledge and skills for the end of year in each subject has been created.   As children move through the school, the expectation for the depth and breadth of their learning is increased. They engage in skills of a similar nature, but at a higher level of understanding leading to a mastery approach to learning. The school continues to evaluate and make changes to ensure that the curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before.

Extra-curricular clubs also form an important part of the school’s provision, especially in sports. Educational visits, visitors and key whole school events make learning ‘come alive’ for children.  The school ensures that all children are exposed to cultural experiences and timetable key events into the school calendar so children get to experience new experiences as they progress through school.  Examples of this have been:  visiting parliament, residential trips, attending a university, whole school careers week.  The school reviews this yearly as part of their curriculum offer and plans are in place for the school to further include experiences such as theatre visits and taking part in Bradford based festivals.

Curriculum Implementation:

If you would like to look at the MTP’s for each term then please take a look at the class pages.  We also showcase evidence of children’s learning on the class pages.

Curriculum Impact

The impact of the curriculum is evident in the outcomes for all our pupils.


We hold assemblies on Monday and Wednesday  mornings.

On Wednesday’s we have signing assembly and Monday’s is celebration where our awards for the previous week are handed out.