Ernest Shackleton/Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 your class teachers are Mrs Hickey and Mrs Hampson and your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Smith

Here you will find lots of exciting information about the topics we will be completing throughout the year!

Summer Term



Autumn Term

Our first topic, ‘Beyond Bradford,’ had a large focus on Howarth and the history of the
Bronte family. We learnt why the literary family had such an influential impact on
Bradford and the world of literature as a whole. We learnt about the creation of the
railway and the impact it had on Haworth and Bradford.
In science we learnt all about the heart and the circulatory system. We learnt how blood
is moved around the body and the different chambers in the heart. We understand the
importance of keeping ourselves fit and healthy in order to look after our hearts.
In computing we learnt how to make websites and we made our own webpages. We
really enjoyed this unit of work and produced some really good examples. Have a look
at them on Seesaw!
In PE we developed our team work skills through rugby. We worked on attacking and
defending and how to use space to achieve an advantage on the opposite team. We
learnt the rules of rugby and we found it really hard to make sure we always passed
backwards. We then moved on to gymnastics where we worked with partners to create
our own routines. We developed our performance skills by performing to an audience
and then analysed each other’s’ routines.

Year 6 Autumn MTP 23-24

Year 6 Newsletter Autumn (1)23-24Y

6 How to help your child at home.


Spring Term

Year 6 Spring MTP 23-24

Year 6 Newsletter Spring