Ada Lovelace/Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 your class teacher is Miss Elizabeth-Wells Bower & your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Topley

Here you will find lots of exciting information about the topics we will be completing throughout the year!

Summer Term



Autumn Term

Year 5 had a brilliant start to the year and have already being involved in lots of exciting learning.

At the beginning of term, many pupils went to Robinwood on their residential trip. They had a fantastic time where they developed many skills including teamwork, problem solving and courage. The children took part in a range of challenging experiences including, caving, archery, raft building, canoeing and climbing.


In History, the children studied Saltaire and began to understand the historic value of the Yorkshire Village. They learnt who Titus Salt was and the impact he had on the workers in Bradford. The children had to decide whether he made a positive or negative impact on the Village.

In Design Technology, the class carried out some research on different Bolognese sauces by doing a taste test and comparing different recipes. The children then created their own Bolognese recipe and made these themselves. We loved making these!

We had a really exciting morning of Science in Year 5 and carried out many investigations on our school open morning. As part of our Year 5 curriculum we have also learn about the life cycles of humans, plants and animals and learnt that living things can reproduce differently.


We enjoyed the festive season in our class and had fun watching the pantomime and going to the church for our carol concert.

Year 5 Autumn MTP 23-24

Year 5 Newsletter Autumn 23-24