Free School Meals

Registering for Free School Meals (FSM)

At Clayton Village Primary we recognise that all pupils regardless of their background should have equal access to a curriculum which will enable them to reach their potential. Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil, based on the number of pupils eligible for Free School meals, who are Looked after, or who are children of armed service personnel.

This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. In some cases children who are entitled to pupil premium face additional challenges such as poor communication skills, a lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.

Each year we are allocated a sum of money. Here you will find details about how we spend this money and the impact of the strategies we use:

In England, your child is entitled to receive FSM if their parents or carers are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support from NASS (National Asylum Support Service) under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit run-on
  • Universal Credit

Please follow the link below to check your eligability.

The school uses this money in a variety of different ways and it plays an important part in ensuring all our children achieve to their full potential.  If the school receives this funding for your child then you are also entitled to:

  • Vouchers for school uniform
  • Free school milk
  • Free entrance to breakfast club
  • Reduced trip costs
  • Your child may receive additional support in school through our learning mentor, boosters, working with teaching assistants and invitation to clubs

We ask that ALL PARENTS/CARERS  visit:

This is important so that we can continue to register pupils who attract pupil premium, which is worth £1,345 a year per pupil for our school. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity for your child to enjoy a healthy, balanced and nutritious meal every day.

Free School Meals

Increasing Uptake of UIFSM & FSM Flyer