Over the last few years, there have been many discussions nationally about children attending school and the impact absence has on the child’s development and academic achievements especially after covid restrictions lifted. Some of this information is confusing and some parents never quite know what the impact of their child’s absence has on their attainment (what grades they get) and progress. Our school Attendance on a page document aims to reduce any confusion.
90% attendance during 1 school year = ½ day missed every week!
90% attendance during 1 school year = 1 day missed every other week!
90% attendance during 1 school year = 4 whole weeks of lessons missed!
90% attendance over 5 years of school = ½ a school year missed!
Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year = GCSE grade DROP in achievement. (DFE)
If your child is ill, you have a responsibility to inform the school of their illness by 8:30am each day for every day of illness. For those parents who do not contact the school, a follow up call will be made that day from our attendance officers.
A child’s welfare is paramount and everybody needs to know they are safe. If at any point we have concerns regarding a child’s safety then an immediate referral is made to the Educational Welfare Team.
What happens if your child’s attendance falls below a certain percentage?
Attendance is monitored weekly to ensure good attendance is achieved by all our pupils. You may receive reminder pings from time to time to keep you updated on your childs attendance. The attendance team complete more indepth attendance monitoring half termly. If your childs attendance falls below 95% you will receive a letter of advice.
If your child’s attendance falls below 90% our attendance lead Miss Needham will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter further.
School are able to offer support to families who are struggling to attend school including breakfast club places and referrals to Early Help services. If you are concerned about your childs attendance please speak to Miss Needham.
Leave of Absence during Term Time
Following changes to the Pupil Registration Regulation in September 2013 Headteachers will only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. It is for school to decide what constitutes ‘exceptional circumstances’ and apply this consistently
All applications for leave of absence must be made in advance by the parent(s), carer(s) or corporate parent that the pupil normally resides with and Children’s Services have provided schools with a standard ‘Leave of Absence Request Form’
Leave of absence will not be granted during September to ensure that pupils have a settled start to the New Year nor in May and June when classes have their statutory assessments. Leave of absence will not be permitted in Year 6 and Year 2 when children have their SATs or when children have attendance below the National Expectation of 95%.
Exceptional Circumstances are still classified as absences and will still count towards your child’s attendance figure.
Extended Leave
Bradford Council has a policy stating that where a child is absent from school for more than 20 consecutive days, due to extended leave, the school may remove that child’s name from the school register and offer that place to another child on the waiting list. Schools across Bradford do apply this rule.
If your child is late to school, a parent or carer must sign them in at the late door located at the year 5/6 entrance. This door closes at 9am. Parents arriving after 9am must report to the main office. You will be asked to give a reason for your childs lateness. If a reason is not provided or if your child arrives after the register has closed an unauthorised absent mark will be given.
Attend and Achieve!
If a school can improve attendance by 1%, they will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment. (DFE)
Please help us and your child by ensuring their attendance remains above 95%, allowing them to achieve their potential.
More information about the schools attendance procedures can be found in the schools attendance policy PAY Pupil Attendance Policy