Rosa Parks/Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 your class teacher is Miss Jacobs and your Teaching Assistants is Miss Harrison

Here you will find lots of exciting information about the topics we will be completing throughout the year!

Autumn Term

During the Autumn  term, year 1 children have been exploring the world around them. They have researched and compared what shopping was like in Clayton 80 years ago to now. Can you believe nobody paid using their phone?! The children have also loved learning about the weather and are now keen weather watchers. Please have a look at our photos to see what fabulous learning has taken place during discovery time.




Year 1 Newsletter Autumn 2023-24

Year 1 Autumn MTP 23-24

EYFS and KS1. – How to help your child at school

Spring Term

Year 1 Spring MTP 23-24

Year 1 Spring Newsletter


Summer Term

