Greta Thunberg/Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 your class teacher is Mrs Devanney and your Teaching Assistant is Miss Corriette.

Here you will find lots of exciting information about the topics we will be completing throughout the year!

Summer Term



Autumn Term

In the Autumn term, we learnt lots through being creative and having fun across all of the subjects.

We started the year with a writing topic about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The chocolate factory came to life in the classroom with a chocolate river, music, pictures and sweet land. The children had to use their 5 senses to immerse themselves into the world of Willy Wonka. This experience really helped the children when it came to writing their extended piece of writing.

In Maths, we learnt about place value of up to 4 digit numbers, addition and subtraction and area.

Our first topic was about ‘What was life like in Bradford circa 100 years ago?’ The children looked at pictures and maps from past and present to compare the city and how it has changed over the last 100 years. They even told stories of what their experiences had been and their families.

Science was an exciting one as we learnt about living things and their habitats and animals including humans. We classified animals into groups and learnt new vocabulary such as vertebrate, invertebrate, mammal, reptile etc. Teeth was part of our topic and we looked at how different liquids affected eggs as they have a similar structure to our teeth.

Geography looked at ‘How has the Mersey River changed?’. We took a virtual trip to Liverpool and learnt about the river and what it brought to Liverpool. Some children had visited Liverpool before so were able to give us an insight as to what it was like. The children created presentations answering our enquiry question and presented them to the class.

Music was one of our favourites as we began to learn the ukulele. We learnt parts of songs from Ed Sheeran to Imagine Dragons. There are lots of talented ukulele players in our class!

In Design Technology, we were looking at structures and the process of designing buildings. The children had to use different materials to make their structures as strong and creative as possible. They also had to think of a purpose for their building, this included venues for shows, museums, sports events etc.

Year 4 Autumn MTP 23-24

Year 4 Newsletter Autumn 23-24

Y4 How to help your child at home.docx

Spring Term

Year 4 Spring MTP 23-24

Year 4 Newsletter Spring